Monday, November 17, 2008

Global Entrepreneurs Week

San Diego Entrepreneur Festival

Join San Diego and countries around the world -
celebrate Global Entrepreneurship Week!

Thursday November 20 4:30 - 8:00 p.m.
San Diego State University
AAC Hall of Fame

During the week of November 17 - 23, 2008, San Diego student entrepreneur clubs from UC San Diego, USD, SDSU and Point Loma Nazerene University will conduct a range of activities designed to inspire, connect, inform, mentor and engage the next generation of entrepreneurs. The event will feature:

Troy Hazard - Keynote Speaker Troy Hazard
Most recent Global President of Entrepreneur's Organization

Panel of Local Entrepreneurs

Trade show and networking opportunities

Event Program:
4:30-5:30 pm : Welcome & Keynote Speaker
5:30-6:30 pm : Trade Show
6:30-7:30 pm : Panel of Local Entrepreneurs
7:30-8:00 pm : Closing & Networking

Please RSVP Today (space limited)-

Sponsored by:

Rady School of Management & San Diego Young Entrepreneurs

"Start up Junkies" The Series

Go check out the series "Start up Junkies" on
There are 8 episodes in total, all of which can be educational and amusing for anyone who is an entrepreneur at heart. It is refreshing to see startup pros hit the same issues us less experienced founders deal with on the daily basis.
What are you waiting for??? GO GO GO!!!!

The New SDYE Blog

Welcome to the new SDYE blog!
This fancy new blog will help keep us all up to date with SDYE.
I will be posting regularly regarding the progress of the group, new projects and ideas that pertain to SDYE and it's members.
I welcome any feedback and ask that you (a member of SDYE) contribute directly to the blog with comments, links or as authors with anything you feel is relevant or need help with. Anything to do with Entrepreneurship is relevant.
That's about it for now, I'll kick this thing off with a blog post shortly.