Sunday, November 23, 2008

Dave Berkus on "The Frank Peters Show"

Check out Frank's interview with Dave Berkus

As Managing Partner of Kodiak Ventures, L.P., and of Berkus Technology Ventures, LLC, both early stage capital investment funds - and Chairman- Emeritus of the Tech Coast Angels, one of the largest angel investing networks in the United States, today Mr. Berkus is board chairman or board member of ten public and private technology companies. Active as investor or board member in a total of sixty-eight early stage companies since 1993, he was recognized as "Director of the Year - Early Stage Businesses" by the Forum for Corporate Directors of Orange County, California and as "Businessperson of the Year" by his alma mater, Occidental College.

Thanks Mr. Peters for the great video ( and Mr. Berkus for the bio at

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Global Entrepreneurs Week Highlights

Tonight's event at SDSU with keynote speaker Troy Hazard was awesome. If you did not get a chance to attend, I took a few pictures with my iphone so that those not in attendance can see the venue.
The 4 schools worked well together and really pulled off a first class event. Thanks Guys and Gals.
I got a chance to catch up with Troy after the event. Troy is a genuinely super nice guy and a great pick for students and entrepreneurs.
Here are some pics!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

"How to Not Hire Someone Via Craigslist" by G. Kawasaki

It wasn't too long ago that I used to attend lectures at Stanford where Guy Kawasaki would show up on the regular basis and promote his new book or just come in and speak on a topic or two in what appeared to be his spare time.
While I know not everyone agrees with Guy's views on the valley or investment, personally, I still find him fairly entertaining and inspiring from time to time.
I found this article on his blog that felt was very relevant to those hiring contractors off of Craigslist. My business partner and I had a nightmare experience with our last contract developer (who will remain nameless) that we hired from CL. Looking back it's hard to determine whose fault it was -
A) His for not being honest about his abilities
B) Ours, for not recognizing what our development needs really were at the time.
Regardless, Check out this link-
How to Not Hire Someone Via Craigslist

Check out GEW Events this week

Affiliated Events: Global Entrepreneur Week

Monday, November 17th

Invited Speaker: Andreas Roell, Geary Interactive,
Manchester Hall, 5:30pm-6:30pm

Tuesday, November 18th

Invited Speaker: Stephen Thesing, Founder of Blue Chowder, 12pm:1:00pm
(Check Here)

Invited Speaker: Monty Dickinson, San Diego SCORE,
Atkinson Hall, 7pm- 8pm

Wednesday, November 19th

Entrepreneur Society Event
7pm-8:30pm in Arts and Letters 101
(Check here)

MIT Enterprise Forum of San Diego
Failure IS an Option: an evening of candor and compassion
(Register Here)

Thursday, November 20th

Join us at the assembling event, San Diego Entrepreneur Festival at SDSU AAC Hall of Fame 4:00-8:00 pm (RSVP Today)

Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford Commencement Address

Connect The Dots

Monday, November 17, 2008

Global Entrepreneurs Week

San Diego Entrepreneur Festival

Join San Diego and countries around the world -
celebrate Global Entrepreneurship Week!

Thursday November 20 4:30 - 8:00 p.m.
San Diego State University
AAC Hall of Fame

During the week of November 17 - 23, 2008, San Diego student entrepreneur clubs from UC San Diego, USD, SDSU and Point Loma Nazerene University will conduct a range of activities designed to inspire, connect, inform, mentor and engage the next generation of entrepreneurs. The event will feature:

Troy Hazard - Keynote Speaker Troy Hazard
Most recent Global President of Entrepreneur's Organization

Panel of Local Entrepreneurs

Trade show and networking opportunities

Event Program:
4:30-5:30 pm : Welcome & Keynote Speaker
5:30-6:30 pm : Trade Show
6:30-7:30 pm : Panel of Local Entrepreneurs
7:30-8:00 pm : Closing & Networking

Please RSVP Today (space limited)-

Sponsored by:

Rady School of Management & San Diego Young Entrepreneurs

"Start up Junkies" The Series

Go check out the series "Start up Junkies" on
There are 8 episodes in total, all of which can be educational and amusing for anyone who is an entrepreneur at heart. It is refreshing to see startup pros hit the same issues us less experienced founders deal with on the daily basis.
What are you waiting for??? GO GO GO!!!!

The New SDYE Blog

Welcome to the new SDYE blog!
This fancy new blog will help keep us all up to date with SDYE.
I will be posting regularly regarding the progress of the group, new projects and ideas that pertain to SDYE and it's members.
I welcome any feedback and ask that you (a member of SDYE) contribute directly to the blog with comments, links or as authors with anything you feel is relevant or need help with. Anything to do with Entrepreneurship is relevant.
That's about it for now, I'll kick this thing off with a blog post shortly.